annie brady design is a testimony that it's not just colonel sanders who can start a business after 50. in 2016, at the age of 57, i officially started this business after two of my best friends asked me to plan their daughters’ weddings (eek!). little did i know that those weddings would start me on this path of celebrations, which now include corporate events, private parties, showers, and - of course - more weddings.
developing a business at this point in life is both humbling and exhilarating. i’m reminded every day how much i don’t know. it’s a lot…but also i’m reminded about how my life experiences have led me to this.
“whatever you are looking for is looking for you.” - rumi
this applies to me…you…your grandparents…all of us. it is never too late to be found. i have my moments where i wonder what i’m doing here, like all of us, but then i light the last candle at an event - and i am home again.
thanks to all my wonderful people who have entrusted me with the beauty and meaning of their special moments.